How to use Rectangle command in AutoCAD 2023?

By | May 2, 2023

The topic today: How to use the Rectangle command in AutoCAD 2023

To use the Rectangle command in AutoCAD 2023 and the same as the previous version, follow these steps:

1. Launch AutoCAD 2023 and open a new or existing drawing.

2. Activate the Rectangle command by doing one of the following:

– Type “RECTANGLE” or “REC” in the command line and press Enter.
– Click the “Rectangle” icon in the “Draw” panel on the “Home” tab.

3. Specify the first corner point of the rectangle by doing one of the following:

– Click a location in the drawing area to set the first corner point.
– Type the X, Y, and Z coordinates in the command line separated by commas, then press Enter (e.g., 0,0,0).

4. Specify the second diagonal corner point of the rectangle by doing one of the following:

– Click a location in the drawing area to set the second corner point.
– Instead of specifying the corner point, to set a specific length and width for the rectangle, type “@” followed by the length and width separated by a comma (e.g., @4,2) then press Enter.

5. The rectangle with the specified dimensions or corner points will be created in the drawing area.

Remember that you can undo any action by typing “U” and pressing Enter, or by clicking the “Undo” button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

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