Load custom hatch pattern in AutoCAD

By | February 15, 2014

When you have downloaded or created hatch pattern. Now you want to load this file into AutoCAD software. How to load this application?

Today I will guide to you the simply way. That is add a support file search path. If you place custom hatch file into your own folder, you can simply add support file search path.

Step 1: Open AutoCAD options (type OP > press Space > choose File).

Step 2: Click double left of mouse on Support file search path > Add > Browser.

Step 3: Now you go to find your own hatch file and choose it > Ok > click Apply button > Ok.

To give a tutorial to you about adding custom pattern in AutoCAD.

Add custom hatch pattern’s path

After Clicking OK to accept these changes, then when you activate hatch command, you should see it in custom pattern list.

Type H > press Space > show Hatch and Gradient dialog box > click Hatch > choose button to display hatch pattern and palette >  click Custom and now you will see pattern loaded here.

To give a tutorial to you about checking pattern loaden in AutoCAD.

Check patter loaded in AutoCAD