[YQArch]- Arrange Furnitures for Dining room in AutoCAD

By | June 21, 2024

How to arrange types of furniture for the Dining room in AutoCAD with the YQArch plugin?

[YQArch] – Arrange Furnitures for Living room in AutoCAD

It’s so easy with JJ command. Do step by step as follows:

  1. JJ > Enter
  2. Choose Dining room > OK;
  3. Pick up the first point > Pick up the second point;
  4. Modify with options: A (arrange mode)/T(change table style)/C(change cupboard style)/P(set up parameters)
  5. Drag the mouse to choose the best mode > Enter to finish.

Thanks for reading this post. Good luck to you!

Author: DungCEN

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