[YQArch] Set current Layer

How to set the current Layer in AutoCAD with the YQArch plugin? How to make Layer current in AutoCAD? OK! It’s so easy, Do step-by-step as follows: Step 1: ERS > Enter Step 2: Select the Object Layer you set up currently to finish this command. Thanks for visiting autocadtip.com! Good luck to you!

Tips for AutoCAD User – Layer

Just like Revit, Photoshop, or SketchUp software,… AutoCAD also has a layer feature. If you don’t know this feature, it’s deplorable. If you need to successfully use commands or functions related to Layers, it will help you work faster and save time. With layers, you can: Associate objects by their function or location. Display or hide all related… Read More »

Plugin YQArch – Create new Layer in AutoCAD

AUTOCADTIP.COM – How to create new layer in AutoCAD by shortcut command YQArch? Shortcut command: ERN Step 1: ERN Step 2: Type Name Layer Step 3: Select Color > OK > Finish Video tutorial on Youtube NTD Official channel: https://youtube.com/shorts/aUWMEMq_B88