Category Archives: DIMENSION

To give a lot tutorial about dimension in AutoCAD, how to control efficency dimension styles in the drawing?

Add suffix units to Dimension in AutoCAD

How to add suffix units to dimension in AutoCAD? How to add text suffix to dimension in AutoCAD? [YQArch] – Arrange Furnitures for Bed Room in AutoCAD [YQArch] – Arrange Furnitures for Kitchen in AutoCAD For example: 500mm Add mm: DIMPOST > mm > Enter. Delete mm : DIMPOST > . > Enter. Thanks for visiting the Blog!… Read More »

[YQArch] Set current Dimension style in AutoCAD

How to set the current Dimension style in AutoCAD? How to set the current Dimension style by YQArch? Ok! It’s so easy with YQArch plugin with DDS command. Do step by step as follows: Step 1: DDS > Enter Step 2: Select Dimstyle > Enter to finish this command. Thanks for visiting! Good luck to you! >>Move… Read More »

[YQArch] Update Dimension Style in AutoCAD

How to update dimension style in AutoCAD with YQArch plugin? It’s so easy! You can use YQArch plugin with DDU command. Do step by step as follows: Step 1: DDU > Enter. Step 2: S > Enter. Step 3: Select Dimension style > Pick OK. Step 4: Select Dimension that you want to update > Enter to finish… Read More »